Etherscan is Ethereum's leading "blockchain explorer" providing users the ability to query and view the status of individual transactions, block data, wallet addresses, and much more.

While wallet applications allow users to transact individually peer-to-peer and with smart contracts on the Ethereum network, a blockchain explorer provides users with the ability to transparently view all transactions across the entire Ethereum network.

Etherscan is not a wallet service provider; it does not store private keys and has no control over the transactions that take place over the Ethereum network.


You can search Etherecan using a public wallet address (public key starting with 0x…) to view a wallet balance, value of the token inside the wallet, etc. Txn Hash in the bottom is the identity of the transaction that was made in or out of a wallet address.

“b” symbol on the top means that your wallet also has balances in network besides Ethereum (i.e. BSC)

“b” symbol on the top means that your wallet also has balances in network besides Ethereum (i.e. BSC)

Thanks to Zoha Aamer & Elizay Jehangir for proofreading this article!

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